Liège-Barcelona-Los Angeles

Mademoiselle Nineteen

Liège, Belgium

The lovely Juliette Wathieu AKA Mademoiselle Nineteen is not really nineteen though she was once and so did we. Anyway you’re surely to enjoy the following. Channeling 60’s pop and a Godard heroine nonchalance she’ll allure you and entrap you in her retro gray and white vid. Find out more about Mademoiselle Ninteen’s releases at Freaksville Records.





I came across Sect via Belgrado (Belgrado’s front lady drums and sings for sect), since then their self-titled debut album has been a strong player on my iTunes. “Inspired by 80’s Punk and UK anarchopunk” Sect provides a commotion-fueled punk, and a whole lotta of fun.  The 10 track LP was released last fall via Discos Enfermos and is available for free download via Bandcamp or Soundcloud.

SECTMP3: SECT – Dreaming


Lee Noble

Los Angeles

I learned out today that Good Friday is happening in two days and my poor brain immediately started hyping Fairouz’s Eastern chants that I used to listen to at Good Fridays and all year long, to be honest. Then I played “December ∞” and  it correlated for obvious reasons-the organ, the liturgical feel- and other ones beyond my grasp. “December ∞” is the penetrable first single from Lee Noble’s promising new “Ruiner” LP. It’s a slow burner that makes you feel the tunes are circling you in all directions until you’re totally bubbled up in a melodic Elysium. Can’t wait to hear more tracks from this album! Ruiner is now available for pre-order via Bathetic.

LN-coverMP3: Lee Noble – December ∞